Use of Pearl in therapy, energy healing and Chakra balancing
Pearls are an introspective gem, encouraging us to really discover our true selves and our true purpose here on Earth. Pearls are often used to treat digestive tract disorders and address skin complaints, from minor blemishes to more severe scarring, acne, and rosacea. Pearl symbolizes wisdom gained through experience. It will help you learn the lessons from every life experience, and it will make you wiser and stronger for it.
It’s also a stone that will offer protection and security. You can go about doing your everyday tasks knowing that protective energies surround you. Pearls help to balance the human body’s natural rhythms and hormone levels with the lunar cycles. This stone will bring you inner wisdom and help to strengthen and nurture the growth of pure love. It will teach you to open up and find the meaning and the purpose of your “true self.” They enlighten the mind and inspire the mood, while helping you to learn to love yourself more and, in turn, love others more, as well. Pearl enhances feelings of good will and positive, uplifting feelings.
Healing Benefits of Pearl
hormone levels

regulates body
temperature (cooling)

heart issues

blood pressure

Pearl Crystals & Jewelry
Metaphysical Properties of Pearl
* Soothes Negative Emotions * Enhances Goodwill * Protection * Security * Smooth Relations * Calming * Wisdom *
* Trial & Error * Experience * Positivity * Uplifted Spirits * Inspiring * Enlightening * Tenderness *
Associated Attributes of Pearl
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