Use of Obsidian in therapy, energy healing and Chakra balancing
Obsidian is a volcanic stone that was formed by lava that crystallized as it hardened, forming a natural volcanic glass. This volcanic glass aids in protection, grounding, and spiritual communication. Known as an attractor and cleanser of psychic activity, Black Obsidian cleanses and dispels negativity from your auric field and environment. This stone has powerful grounding frequencies and will heavily assist in psychic protection when needed. Obsidian also brings out all of our creative energies so that they may be intertwined and influence our every action. When we reduce our output of creativity, these energies begin to go dormant as if they will never be needed again. It’s very hard to re-ignite certain creative energies so it is best to constantly be using them.
The jet-black stone is the mirror stone for its ability to enhance sight and they way you see the world and circumstances. It’s highly reflective surface and consistent coloring allow you to look deeply within to reveal your soul and the healing required to elevate your vibration. Obsidian use dates back to the stone age and its spiritual qualities have been known to allow sight into other worlds, into the soul itself, and into realms not accessible from earth, to gain wisdom and knowledge. Use this stone to reveal your shadow self, flaws, and weaknesses so you can better understand yourself. Use obsidian to relieve emotional distress that has long been buried, ignored, or even wiped from memory. It can also be used to ease stress and anxiety associated with emotional trauma.
Healing Benefits of Obsidian



your aura

obsidian Crystals & Jewelry
Metaphysical Properties of Obsidian
* Protection * Family * Creativity * Transformation * Clearing * Grounding * Truth * Inner Peace * Strength * Courage * Focus * Bird's Eye View * Silver Lining * See Things From Other's Perspective *
Associated Attributes of Obsidian
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