Use of Rhodonite in therapy, energy healing and Chakra balancing
An extraordinary stone of the Heart Chakra, Rhodonite empowers you to reach your full potential through focusing your gifts and energies outward for the betterment of all. It is a stone of purpose, cooperation and community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It is a talisman to further the “brotherhood of humanity.”
Rhodonite is highly recognized as an emotional healer and for bringing you back to your center during stressful times. It also soothes a spiraling nervous system, and is a crucial “first aid stone” for calming emotional shock and panic, and provides grounded support during the process of dealing with painful issues.
Healing Benefits of Rhodonite
nervous system

first Aid


reduces swelling
& inflammation

Rhodonite Crystals & Jewelry
Metaphysical Properties of Rhodonite
* Healing * Love * Balance * Recovery * Focus Gifts * Creativity * Encouraging * Purpose * Cooperation * Community * Soothes Spiraling Nervous System * Humanity * Greater Good * Brotherhood * Calming * Grounding * Relieves Pain *
Associated Attributes of Rhodonite
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Historically, Pyrite has been used for its powerful ability to boost energy, strength and vitality. Known as "Fool's Gold" for its shimmering golden hue that radiates positivity and calming vibes, this ancient healing wonder is also said to promote self-confidence, assertiveness and physical healing.