Use of Pyrite in therapy, energy healing and Chakra balancing
Pyrite is a brassy golden yellow natural mineral composed of iron sulfide. Due to its similar color and weight, it has been referred to as "Fool's Gold," as its gold color, metallic luster, and high specific gravity often cause it to be mistaken for gold by inexperienced prospectors. Yet we promise the benefits of dealing with this magical stone are all its own, and definitely no fool's errand. While often dispelling its wearer from any negative energy, this stone is one of the best Feng Shui crystals for encouraging money and abundance. Pyrite brings an energizing and optimistic energy to your space, one of the best cures for a lack of discipline. It reminds us that abundance is not something we acquire, it is something we tune into. Its energies directly resonate with the solar plexus chakra that activates one's personal will.
These energies are what hold the key to accomplishing our life goals. However, they only become achievable by hard work and dedication. Pyrite will help keep you on track until your objectives have been attained. This mineral is also very powerful when it comes to manifestation. Meditating with a piece of Pyrite, or simply carrying around a stone daily can have a dramatic effect on your life. Meditating with Pyrite helps activate its powers which then transfer directly to you. We always recommend saying out loud what it is that you want in your life. From that point forward cultivate those thoughts and ideas into a tangible product. Just hearing yourself say what you want can remind you that it is in fact achievable.
Healing Benefits of Pyrite
personal will


hard work

power of

Pyritite Crystals & Jewelry
Metaphysical Properties of Pyrite
* Prosperity * Protection * Wards Off Negativity * Success * Divination * Confidence * Projective *
Action * Good Luck * Overcomes Obstacles of Desire * Generates Money Making Ideas *
Associated Attributes of Pyrite
Associated Blog Entries

Historically, Pyrite has been used for its powerful ability to boost energy, strength and vitality. Known as "Fool's Gold" for its shimmering golden hue that radiates positivity and calming vibes, this ancient healing wonder is also said to promote self-confidence, assertiveness and physical healing.
Malachite is a stunning mineral and gemstone that has long been used for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing and transformation. It is known for its vibrant hues of deep green, with occasional patches of black or blue. Keep reading to learn about this crystal’s healing benefits.